My research interests lie primarily at the intersection of social networks, demography, and quantitative methodology. Some themes in my work have included developing new sampling methods for learning about hidden and hard-to-reach populations; understanding health and mortality; and computational social science.

Working/Recent papers

Selected publications (see CV for a full list):

Software packages I have developed for various research projects:

  • siblingsurvival - Estimating adult death rates from sibling histories, especially those collected by the Demographic and Health Surveys.

  • surveybootstrap - Methods for estimating sampling uncertainty from data collected via complex sampling designs, such as household surveys.

  • networkreporting - Methods for estimating group size and prevalence from network reports; includes routines for network scale-up, generalized network scale-up, and network survival.

  • mortfit - Fitting mortality hazard models, with special attention to humans at very old ages

  • nrsimluatr - Tools for simulating reporting networks, useful in developing and evaluating network reporting methods.

  • calibratr - Wrappers to make calibration with the survey package easier

Datasets related to some of my papers.